
At Kranti, we believe in the power of research to drive positive change and inform our interventions. Through research, we gain insights, identify challenges, and develop effective strategies to address the issues faced by the Adivasi and NT-DNT communities. Our research initiatives aim to bridge the knowledge gap, generate evidence-based solutions, and contribute to the overall well-being of these marginalized communities.

Our Approach :

Data Collection and Analysis: We engage in rigorous data collection and analysis to understand the socio-economic, cultural, and legal aspects impacting the Adivasi and NT-DNT communities. By collecting relevant data and conducting comprehensive analyses, we gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities present within these communities. This information serves as a foundation for designing targeted interventions and advocating for policy changes.

➤ Qualitative and Quantitative Studies: We conduct both qualitative and quantitative research studies to explore the complex realities and experiences of the Adivasi and NT-DNT communities. Our qualitative studies involve in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and ethnographic research to capture the narratives, perspectives, and aspirations of community members. Additionally, we conduct quantitative studies to gather statistical data, measure impact, and assess the effectiveness of our programs.

➤ Policy Analysis and Advocacy: We engage in policy analysis to understand the existing legal frameworks and policies that impact the Adivasi and NT-DNT communities. By critically examining these policies, we identify gaps and advocate for policy reforms that address the specific needs and rights of these communities. Our research findings serve as evidence to support our advocacy efforts and drive systemic change.

➤ Collaborative Partnerships: We foster collaborations with academic institutions, research organizations, and experts in the field to strengthen our research endeavors. By collaborating with diverse stakeholders, we enhance the quality and impact of our research. These partnerships also enable us to share knowledge, exchange best practices, and contribute to the wider body of research on issues affecting the Adivasi and NT-DNT communities.

➤ Knowledge Dissemination: We believe in the importance of sharing research findings and knowledge with the wider community, stakeholders, and policymakers. Through publications, reports, seminars, and conferences, we disseminate our research findings and recommendations. By sharing our insights, we aim to inspire dialogue, influence decision-making, and promote evidence-based practices that benefit the Adivasi and NT-DNT communities.

Research plays a pivotal role in our mission to empower and uplift marginalised communities. It helps us understand their unique challenges, design targeted interventions, and advocate for their rights. Through rigorous research, we strive to create lasting impact, contribute to knowledge generation, and work towards a more equitable and inclusive society for the Adivasi and NT-DNT communities.

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